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Monday, January 01, 2007

Dawn Of the New Year: The Tormented Soul

So another year is upon us; what will it hold? I guess it’s as good as time as any to post an outlook of the future. I’m sure like many others, we waited and count down as the ball fell to conclude the passing of one year and welcome a new. I’m even closer to saying that I’m sure that everyone made a resolution which will stick for a month or two until it becomes inconvenient to carry on. Whether it was going to the gym, give up smoking, find a better job, or just try and make peace among one another. Some will hold true and make an attempt, while others will just pacify themselves in believing that they will commit to some and fall short to others. Hey I’m not being an ass; I’m just stating the hard cold truth. It is in our nature (the ultimate design) to fall short and fail. That’s the glorious purpose of learning. The true and undoubted failure is not when you unsuccessfully fall belly up; but how and if you learned from it, pick yourself up and try again. Some hit that rock bottom and become complacent and decide to stay at the level. Remember I’m not pointing fingers; if the shoe fits, then wear it. I too suffer from this ultimate design. And at a lot of points; remain complacent with the failure I create. So in all, I’m not really pointing blame, but accepting it; and I guess that is the first step in the recovery. It’s the “finding the horse” so you can get back on it again.
But on to the real reason I’m here. In the past year, I’ve maintained this blog, not for dumping my endless thoughts or questions on to a web url in hopes of finding a reason to it all. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t even call myself a true blogger. I have no groups attached, I try when I find to the time, to check out all blogs to see what it is I’m missing around the world. I mostly have Illustration Friday in which I submit a work of art, hope for feed back, and wait until the next topic is submitted. So I guess I’m a failure when it comes to the blog issue. But what I do offer is a chance for you to step from your world and see what another is like. To ease your everyday suffering with the thoughts of mine. Pictures of dread that come from a #2 pencil, a story of torment that plays like a symphony orchestra of pain. And while some read it and view this world that has pushed into mine, I’ve gathered enough to finally begin the final stages of my illustrated novel,
”Tormented Souls.” A piece that I started a year ago with a cover design that turned from a short story into a mini series of stories. Pages filled with illustrations that bring life to the words on paper. A story not meant for the week or faint-hearted.
So I’m taking this next year, which will be spent in the desert of Iraq, and finish piecing together this puzzle that has yearned to live for the past 12 months. What I’m offering to those that read is the chance that no one else had when other mystery writers started. And that is to watch it grow. It’s like a flower, you plant the seed, give it water, sun, and in time, it will grow to something that was made in it’s design. A blue print of torment on paper. And a chance to see what truth lies behind the tormented soul. I have no idea where it will go and I’m not sure if it will even come true. But if it does, it will be one hell of a ride. I guess only time will tell. So drop in from time to time. I’ve packed what I could in my studio that will help bring life to those images. And with that being said, I can finally close the deal on the first book. The true question to all of it is this; do I hold onto the horse as it bucks or do I fall so that I can learn to get back on it again.
Respectfully Sent


HARDWAX said...

Mike, I look forward to reading "Tormented Soulls" and cringe at the thought as well. Even this narrative has a strong feeling of forboding and a bit of hope, I want your 2007 to be amazing and filfilling.

Unknown said...

I hope you'll be able to draw what's going on in Iraq. Keep safe and best wishes for 07.

Todd Harris said...

Happy New Year Mike, great blog you have here.

Ryan Wood said...

Hey Mike, all the best in the New Year! Thank you for your service to our country, hats off man.

Henry Leong said...

Happy New Year to you Mike