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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weeping Daymares…

When you dream, it moves in slow motion. Sometimes you don’t even know that you have slipped into the realm; past the dreamscape and into the parts of your mind that lie dormant. I’ve been gone from the realm of realism for so long; I almost couldn’t tell where I had fallen. The queen spoke of this, a place filled with my deepest contentment. Joy sets; and the sound of voices; whispers of something I could not make out. I walked down the beach, my bare feet sinking into the grainy sand with each step I took towards the crest. The sound of waves, water, children laughing; it was the warmest I had felt since I fell from the light. There was no cold snow, no chilling wind that blew through my bones like the freezing blade of hate.

I could see- and it was more beautiful than any color an artist could mix on a pallet of a warm day of the season. A woman with her child; no doubt the mother of the young little boy. A man knelt down in front of them with a camera; capturing a moment in time. For one a second, there was this complete look of absolute love. She held him close; I can only assume that he ran into her arms. The face of the boy not visible, but his tiny hands brushed her shoulder. He did not run for any hero in a book, nor for a fictional character created by man; but to the one he called mom, mother, mommy. She embraced him, holding him tight as her hair blew across her face in the steady warm wind which came off the soothing ocean tide. And although she spoke no words, her face painted deep with a look of unconditional love. And then time stops; No more wind, no more warm sun, no more joy. It was nothing more than a mere daymare, a day dream night mare, a look to the past. A tear; weeping in my mind, a trick to. . .

Illustration and excerpt taken from the Illustrated Novel, Tormented Souls by Michael R Fudge Jr.


Anonymous said...

Stunning illustration. It totally captured me. Beautiful work.

Laura said...

Mike this is mesmerizing, both the story and illos, love your style.
And yes Moms are super heroes aren't they? Dads too, sorry a little biased here =)

btw you have a beautiful family, is that your wife and one of your kids in the artwork?

also I have been checking in to see if you made any progress on the BUZZ illo

Anonymous said...

mike, you have a style. i like it. and nice to know that you like stephen king. i used to read his books in the past.

will check more of your works :-)

himavant blucolage

HARDWAX said...

The narrative is haunting and the illustration is inhabited by ghosts,wanted and unwanted. Life is a strange place, perhaps for some, stranger and more threatening than our nightmares and daymares.
Your work is exciting and beautiful and very thought provoking!